According to Martin Buber, human beings adopt two attitudes I-Thou or I-It. I-Thou is a relation of people-to-people, while I-It is a relation of people-to-object. In the I-Thou relationship, human beings are aware of each other as having a unity of being and engage in a dialogue involving each other's whole being. In the I-It relationship, is a relationship of separateness and detachment.

Relationship plays very prominent role in our life. Everyone wants to relate to each other, there are various means and ways to relate others. We live in the world of media everybody knows the pros and cons of media. When we use for the good purpose surly we will get the good fruits of this. In this regard our church’s website will help us know each other and will make us to know the events of our parish as well other activities those who are in India as well in abroad. Let us make use of this website, let us know each other, let us build I-though relationship hence let us become one in one heart and mind for the welfare of our Parish community.

Rev. Fr Santhosh D'Souza

Asst. Parish Priest



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