Like every year this year also our school celebrated Independence Day on 15th August 2022 with great enthusiasm, joy and pomp. On that day the sense of happiness and pride could be clearly seen on the faces of all people as India was celebrating its 75th Independence Day. We had flag hoisting ceremony in our school premises. The staff members and the students of three schools, few parents and the public were assembled to honour the national flag. The Correspondent of Mai de Deus Educational Institutions Rev.Fr Lawrence Mascarenhas hoisted the flag at 9:15am and delivered the message of the day.

The Cultural programme was held at 10:00am in Mai De Deus Church Hall. The stage was well decorated with tricolour. The Correspondent Rev Fr Lawrence Mascarenhas, the Asst. Parish Priest of Mai De Deus Church Rev Fr Kevin L. DSouza, the PTA Vice President Ullas Pai, PTA Committee members and few parents were present. The Correspondent Rev. Fr Lawrence Mascarenhas presided over the function.

The programme began with prayer song. Master Chris of 7th Std welcomed the gathering. Fathimath Amna of 7th Std spoke about the significance of the day. A group of students showed their patriotism by singing the patriotic song. The Kannada skit was about of Bhimaraya Mundaragi that how he sacrificed his life at his young age but did not bow his head to the British was appreciated by all.

Other performance like mime show, dance and the theme dance 2022 were well performed by the students of 7th Std which depicted patriotism. Every item filled our hearts with emotions and patriotism.

The chief guests of the day Mr Ulass Pai the PTA Vice President and Rev Fr Kevin L. DSouza the Asst Parish Priest of Mai De Deus Church distributed the prizes for the winners of various competitions for the class 1 to 4 which were conducted on the eve of Independence Day. Rev. Fr Lawrence Mascarenhas the President of the day gave away the prizes for the winners of 5th to 7th Std. In his presidential address, he called upon the students to become good citizens of India by giving respect to one another, by keeping the premises and environment clean and by living in harmony. He appreciated all the participants for the best performance .He also appreciated the teachers for their dedication towards the school and the students.

Kumari Ayshath Shamna proposed vote of thanks. Kumari Yashmitha and Kumari Ramsha anchored the programme. The programme concluded with the slogans of the freedom fighters. At the end sweets were distributed to the students.

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